Clémence Bouvier
Logo creations
FSE 2025
FSE 2025 is the 31st Fast Software Encryption Conference and is taking place in Roma, Italy.
STAP Workshop
STAP (Symmetric Techniques for Advanced Protocols) is a workshop aiming at bringing together users, designers and analysts of
new symmetric primitives proposed for advanced protocols and defined over big fields.
The first event has been organised by Léo Perrin as an affiliated event of
Eurocrypt 2023.
Anemoi Team
Anemoi is one of the new family of hash functions designed for Zero-Knowledge protocols and relying on the notion of CCZ-equivalence. The members of Anemoi team are: Pierre Briaud, Pyrros Chaidos, Léo Perrin, Robin Salen, Vesselin Velichkov, Danny Willems and myself.
Junior Seminar
The JS (Junior Seminar) is a monthly seminar allowing young researchers from Inria Paris to present their work
to members of other teams.
ALJCC (Association Légendaire des Jeunes Coureurs de Cosmiq) is a team of Cosmiq members: Augustin, Léo, Jules, Clara and me that we've created for some sport challenges on Squadeasy. The competition has been proposed by Inria Paris from May to August 2021. We were 1st on May, June and August, and 2nd in July!
Paris Sportif Team
Paris Sportif is a team of Cosmiq, Willow and Sierra members that we've created for some sport challenges on Squadeasy. We've won this competition proposed by Inria in May 2023!