Clémence Bouvier

Other activities Papillon

Alkindi Contest

I have participated in the Alkindi Contest by giving talks for the final round of the competition: "Jeux et Codes Correcteurs" in May 2022 and "Comment prouver ce que l'on ne peut révéler" in May 2023. Alkindi Contest is a cryptography contest designed to give high school students a fun introduction to the basics of cryptanalysis. The competition attracted almost 70,000 students in 2023.
See more information on the webpage of Alkindi.


1 Scientifique - 1 Classe, Chiche!

I have met students from François Villon high school as part of the project: "1 Scientifique - 1 Classe, Chiche!" for which the aim is to enable each class in second year of secondary school to meet a scientist.
See more information on the webpage of the project Chiche.


General public

I regularly give presentations about cryptography, in particular to students in order to introduce them to the field and suggest ways to pursue their studies.
I have also made a video presentation of my career path for undergraduate students in Angers.

Junior Seminar

I was co-organising the Junior Seminar of Inria Paris with Gaspard Beugnot and Théophile Cantelobre in 2022-2023.
It is a seminar that allows young researchers to present their work to members of other teams.
