Clémence Bouvier
Awards and PrizesPrizes
2nd Prize from EDITE
In December 2023, I was awarded the second PhD prize from my doctoral school EDITE (Ecole Doctorale Informatique, Télécommunications et Electronique).
MT180 Online Prize
MT180 (Ma Thèse en 180 secondes) is an outreach competition for French PhD students for which the objective is to make our PhD accessible to the general public in only 3 minutes. In March 2023, I was one of the 18 finalists at Sorbonne University and I won the online audience prize (see outreach section for more details).
Ethereum Challenges
In November 2021, we (with A. Bariant, G. Leurent and L. Perrin) won symmetric cryptanalysis challenges for arithmetization-oriented hash-function. Those challenges were proposed by the Ethereum Foundation.
Lebesgue Master scholarship
In 2019, I was awarded the Lebesgue Excellence Scholarship for the second year of my Master’s degree.